Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Tooth Fairy Cometh

A milestone has happened. Hannah lost her first tooth and is soon to lose her second. The first tooth was loose for about two weeks and Hannah, in typical Hannah fashion, wiggled it and wiggled it with complete and total insistence that it would fall out sooner rather than later. It fell out at Daycare and they put the teeny tiny tooth in a great big envelope for her to bring home.

She placed the tiny tooth beneath her pillow and was delighted when the next morning she discovered a dollar bill where her tiny tooth had be left. The excitement has lingered longer than normal too. At my mom's house the other day, she announced that the tooth fairy left her a dollar because she knew that she was friends with Nicole and Melissa and that was what they got. I had to laugh. Nicole and Melissa visited over a month ago and mention of the tooth fairy had been brief, yet it was not lost on Hannah. Good thing the tooth fairy was paying attention or their could have been trouble.

Being the good Mommy, we have noted it in the Baby book that we have. Actually, I'm not that good, Joel reminded me to do it and left the book open to the page with a pen on the table so I could not forget. This is typical Joel behavior, mind you. He remembers details and makes sure that I'm the good Mommy. Don't believe me, take a gander at Gary's baby book sometime (if I can find it that is). It is filled out with Baby's name, Mommy's name, asshole's name --I mean Daddy's name (ex-hubby), weight, length, eyes, hair, and that is about it. I never opened it again until maybe he was six when it turned up and I realized I had never filled it out. Darn.

Ironically, in the bookstore the other day I happened upon a pretty cool baby book, one that my husband, being a weirdo, would really, really like. It is called "The Inappropriate Baby Book" by Jennifer Stinson. It includes some lovely memories like first poopie diaper and asks for details like color and consistency. Suprisingly this disgusting info would actually be helpful if your pediatrician needs details due to formula digestion problems. I know we had to keep track. At any rate, it is good for a few laughs and is guaranteed to embarrass the heck out of the little monster when they hit dating age. I love stuff like that. It's payback for ages 2-4.

Anyway, Miss Hannah has hit a milestone. She is no longer a baby girl or even a toddler. She is a full fledged little girl now. Bye bye babyhood, hello girlhood. Two weeks to Kindergarten day one....I'll keep you posted.