Sunday, November 04, 2007

OMG!! Halloween 2007 already!!!

It has been a year since I posted here!! Wow, time flies. I will try to do some catch up posts in the interim, since we actually did have much excitement, some good, some bad this past year. That said, let's start with the annual and much loved Halloween post.

As per the usual, I made Hannah's costume this year. Quite unusually, these past months have been really stressful and hellacious at our house. A quick synopsis. In March, my assistant at work had a seizure and was told she had brain, lung and uteran cancer, My son got married in June, 2 days later my mom was diagnosed with lung cancer, a couple weeks later she got pnuemonia and was put on a vent, she got off and was doing great, then my grandmom fell and broke her pelvis, soon after grandmom died on Sept. 25, we had her funeral on Oct 20th, on Oct. 22nd grandmom's brother (our uncle) Tom had a stroke and was hospitalized, on Oct 23rd my mom's lung collapsed and she was in the same hospital, Tom is now in rehab and my mom is now in ICU on a ventilator again, meanwhile my assistant was hospitalized this past Wed. and the cancer is now on her spine. So, you see I don't exaggerate.

So, back to the costume. Hannah wanted to be a mermaid. I found a lovely aqua bathing suit material on Ebay and some cool sequin appliques that look like shells. I designed it and sewed it without a pattern for the first time ever and much to my delight and surprise it rocked!!! I am hardly a great seamstress, but it was very basic and it turned out great. The only problem I had were the scales. I hand sewed...yes, you read it right... hand sewed sequins on the skirt so it looked like scales. What a pain in the tail.

Surprisingly, after all that work, Hannah walked to about 20 houses and wanted to come home and help daddy hand out candy to the little kids. "Wait a minute!!! You are one of the little kids." I quipped.

"No I'm not. I'm a first grader." she responded.

Who can argue with this? Six going on Sixteen. God help me!!

Anyway, I was happy, she was happy, the neighbors thought she was cute and that is all that matters. You can judge for yourself. Hope you all had a Happy Halloween and got lots of candy.